WOMEN & WEIGHTS (382 words)
So if you are a member of the fairer sex & have chanced upon this page & are feeling that this isn’t the site for you; then let me tell you that I’ve so far made no distinction between the two sexes. All that I’ve posted so far on this cybernetic existence holds for you as well. Let me state categorically that there is hardly any divide between the male & female strength athletes (or even merely fitness enthusiasts) when it comes to training methodologies.
But there is a popular misconception (among many others) that the everyday women looking to just rein in the tummy should not touch weights. As I’ve stated in my very first post, the three essential paths to physical fitness are strength, cardiovascular health & flexibility. And there is no better-known strength training method than weights.
To begin with girls doing weights will not acquire the amount of muscular bulk that their male counterparts do. This is simply because they don’t have the amounts of testosterone to reach there. This is also the reason why women can’t lift anywhere close to men.
If you are just looking to lose weight; even then a form of strength training is a must. The best way to lose weight is to gain muscular mass. Besides, of what health value is a lean, emancipated look without the basic build and well being?
I now move into my last leg of this post. This is for those who wish to look sexy through some fancy & well marketed health club services. The sexiest look that can be acquired is the muscular look. The two most oomphed sexual attributes of a girl—the derriere & the breasts can go through an unbelievable makeover with weights. If the pectoral muscles are toned & strong, then the breasts will be given a natural ‘up—lift’. Besides well—toned pecs will prevent sagging going into the middle ages. The same is true with the buttock. Dedicated weighted squats will make it beefy & cheeky down there. All these apart, routine of weights (along with some form of cardiovascular workout like dance, swimming—mind you swimming alone is a complete form of exercise or running) will replace the flab with the fibre: what an exchange to the sexier side!
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