Haven’t the skulls of the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnons been found with even their wisdom tooth intact? Were they ever in possession of Colgate Palmolive? Then why brush? As though the abrasive action of food particles and the chemical foolery of food acids isn’t enough, you wish to grate your teeth with bristles and flood your mouth with the corrosive & penetrative foreplay of fluorides?
I’ll narrate a very recent happening in my life that’ll reinforce my already introduced concept of UNDERSTAND YOUR BODY.
I had, due to yet to be uncovered reasons, taken a fancy to brushing 4-5 times a day with paste and all the rituals of the brush. After a while, the tips of my incisors & canines began to give me a chill whenever I consumed anything even mildly sweet (especially banana) and I, suspecting my new fad, reduced to one brushing a day and here I am advising you on the benefits of understanding your body and experimenting with your lives.
When it comes to cleansing the body, it must be understood that the body has its own cleansing mechanisms and any effort on our part should only be to augment that and not to strain the systems into forcible adaptations for cosmetic ends. Another prime example of such a scenario is the excessive and unmindful, and often ignorant, use of soaps, shampoos & other bathing products. You will hardly realize the harm you are putting yourself through as the body is wonderful at acclimatizing; and we are still evolving!
So what if the Neanderthals never saw a mouth cleanser ad, you have the most powerful evolutionary feature that tells you apart from all the other life forms. Use that in conjunction with the civilizational advancements. And most importantly, lend a hearing to all, but listen to your body.
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